Looking at the number of local transactions involving sellers with more than one deal in September, we find 140 transactions (some involving multiple parcels) associated with firms we typically associate with single-family development. See attached. This indicates a strong end to 2017Q3 and a continuing trend of growth in our county.
Expanding our focus, we note an interesting observation about the national single-family housing market. The Wall Street Journal Daily Shot (awesome for those who love graphs), passed on the following info received from Freddie Mac
(see Point 4, here):
“Freddie Mac: – Currently we estimate that the supply of housing falls about 500,000 units short of demand each year. We think Multifamily supply is roughly balanced with demand at present, so this represents primarily a shortfall in single-family constructions.”
It seems, then, that while West Texas remains special (because I think we are always special!), at least in respect to SFH, we aren’t bucking the larger trends.